Mobile Video Monthly #3 December 2018: Video on Instagram, TV targeting on YouTube
Mobile Video Monthly
January 2, 2019
In this Mobile Video Monthly-series we discuss the biggest news, changes, findings and trends when it comes to video in the mobile app space. This can be related to app store videos, user acquisition videos or other types of videos developers and publishers leverage (or will soon be able to leverage) to promote their apps.
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More interactions with video posts on Instagram – December 3
Quintly analyzed 9 million Instagram posts and noticed that video posts get up to 21% more interactions (likes and comments) compared to image posts.
Quintly also notes that bigger profiles use way more videos in their posts (27%) compared to smaller profile (9%).
In-app monetization via rewarded videos grows in US and East Asia – December 6
Even though banners continue to be a reliable monetizing ad format (despite being one of the oldest ones and having the lowest eCPMs), a report from Appodeal on in-app ad monetization shows that rewarded video remains the top performing format.
The report analyzes several ad networks used on Appodeal: AdMob, Facebook Audience Network, AppLovin, ironSource, etc.
Rewarded video has high user engagement and revenue potential, and the biggest increase for this format is in the US and East Asia markets. This can be explained by the new offerings from Google (AdMob, via Universal App Campaigns) and Facebook Audience Network.
In the US although rewarded video impressions represent only 2% of the total impressions, they are responsible for 21% of revenue.
A report by Chocolate, a video ad mediation platform, shows a similar trend with more than 80% of top free game apps monetizing with video ads.
Their analysis of top 1000+ publishers showed that 75% prefer rewarded video ads for their monetization vs. 63% who prefer in-app purchases.
YouTube ad campaigns target ‘TV screens’ by default, coming to AdWords API in January – December 12
Of course mobile is still where most watch YouTube videos, however more people are now spending time watching YouTube on their TVs: Google estimated in June that users watch 180+ million hours of YouTube on their television.
“Television” is defined as smart TVs, gaming consoles, set top boxes and the likes of Apple TV, Roku or Chromecast.
By making TV one of the platform types (with desktop, tablet and mobile) that can be defined in your Google Ads, Google now gives you the opportunity to address potential users in a different context (and on a bigger screen!).
YouTube makes call-to-action on TrueView ads more flexible – December 19
The overlay call to actions were introduced by YouTube in 2009. Google decided to replace them with a new ad extension that includes a call-to-action button that’s similar to the one shown in TrueView for action ads (only available in the -in-stream format and using leads/website traffic as campaign goals).