Optimizing your preview video outside of app stores

Creative Assets

January 17, 2023

If you’re starting the new year with a brand new resolution to be more eco-friendly, we’ve got just the article for you: how to effectively reuse your preview video. Producing a video asset can be an expensive endeavor, but they are a staple of app marketing. 

The best way to promote an app or a game is through video, and we’re here to show you how to make the most of your preview video, once it’s in your hands. 

Use it as a testing tool

This will depend on how far along you are in the funnel. It can be exciting to have your preview video ready before launch (so you can get your store assets ready in time) but also to test the waters beforehand.

This will not only help build awareness and momentum around your app or game, but it will help you figure out the effectiveness of your preview video. Is it converting? Bringing people to a landing page of your choice? 

Preview videos can be a great testing tool, even outside of the stores (even though there are A/B testing tools included in both stores now). And as visual content, it’s a great way to see how people react to it, and what it will mean for both your marketing and branding strategy. 

Branding is becoming more and more important and your preview video will no doubt be a staple of your brand. App listing pages are unavoidable, it might be where you’ll make a first impression on potential users, but in all cases, they will have to go through your listing page to download your app or game. Which makes it particularly relevant to ensure that your preview video is sending the right message. 

Add it to your app’s website

A website is a great tool for app marketing, it helps with SEO ranking and sets up an efficient landing page. This is also a great spot to showcase your preview video. App websites are a true gold mine of information, allowing you to present your app any way you want and share all relevant information without limits. 

If you don’t have the space, need, or time for a dedicated demo video or an explainer, sharing your preview video on your website will bring its own advantages. From putting your app in front of a new audience, to having visuals to help drive the point home.

Preview videos are designed to boost conversions, they’re also a great way to show users what happens inside your app or game. Videos are great at converting, especially for apps and mobile games. They show users exactly what to expect from your products while highlighting the biggest uses and possibilities. Websites, especially for apps and games, are branding tools, here to help you build your brand and connect with your user base.

Which is why it makes perfect sense to showcase your preview video there. This is where you should show what your app can do for users, give them a taste and leave them wanting more. It gives your preview video more viewing opportunities as well and puts it in front of the right audience, one that will appreciate the familiarity once they land on your listing page. 

Preview videos can also be added to your internal communication, they’re a great way to rally your team around how you want the game to be marketed. When asked about the biggest mistake made when promoting an app or game, most of them agree on the lack of communication between different teams. 

It’s essential to create links between product and marketing teams, to get everyone on the same page and assess what works and doesn’t work.  

Organic social media content

There is always a need for more social media content. Having a strong social media presence is now a must-have for any app or game developers out there. Not only is it a place where potential customers might be looking for your business, but it’s also a great way to show more information and promote your product. 

Social media (especially TikTok) are becoming search engines of their own, so it’s important to be searchable on each platform. However, just having a profile is not enough, you need to fill it with enough regular content for it to be useful. 

An abandoned profile might be more hurtful because it would imply that your app or game is not kept up to date and it could discourage potential users. 

Sharing your preview video over your social media profiles is a great way to boost its visibility, as well as brand awareness. Preview videos are great branding tools, they’re straightforward and show all the best parts of your app or game. Don’t be afraid to use them even outside of the stores.

Be careful with UA

Most UA platforms have a high video turnover, things move fast and people tire quickly of the same creatives. So you need to have several creatives on hand to launch a successful ad campaign. Likewise, video ads allow you more freedom than preview videos, and you should take advantage of that.

There are different expectations for preview videos and video ads, which is why they can’t replace one another. Using a preview video as a video ad would not be very effective, sadly. And might hurt your brand more than anything. If you’re low on time and/or budget, you may not have a choice. After all, a preview video is an ASO essential, and the difference between a good preview video and a bad one is non-negotiable.

A good preview video can boost conversions by up to 20% and for mobile games, they’re a must-have. Mobile gamers want to know what they’re getting into and want to see actual gameplay before they download. The gameplay needs to be as close to actual gameplay as possible, fake ads may convert in UA but they won’t be accepted in the stores (Apple Review will not allow it), and they would have a terrible impact on churn rates.

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